Kid Friendly Rugs

One thing that has changed over the years in the design world is how much attention to detail a child’s bedroom gets… fact I would put it next to Living & Dining Rooms as far as priorities for most of my clients! Because of this, the children’s furnishings industry has exploded – good news for designers because it gives us more resources – bad news for consumers because the selections are seemingly endless!!

One area that constantly evolves is child safety – everything from the distance apart on crib bars to the safety and durability of rugs for those family members who spend most of their time crawling around ON the rug!!

There are many ways to solve this conundrum…… will see on our Instagram feed this week that the four of us solve it in different ways for different clients!

For durability and texture Mohawk makes amazing products in livable colors – particularly in their Smartstrand Silk series. This pattern was recently installed on Elizabeth’s client’s staircase but would be perfect in a children’s bedroom as well.


Another great solution is to specify an indoor/outdoor rugs which can literally be washed in bleach safely if needed! Almost every manufacturer produces this category because it has become so popular for indoor use! Some favorites for children’s rooms are the cheerful selections from Dash & Albert


But since children are young for such a brief time I love putting over-the-top, ultra soft, truly juvenile rugs in kid’s rooms right on top of whatever rug is already there. Choosing one from Surya allows you to select a reasonably priced option! Here are my favorites in their kids’ collection!


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